Sunday, June 29, 2008

Three-player table tennis offers intrinsically imbalanced larks

Fancy a game of three-player ping pong? Just imagine the exquisitely hateful arguments one could get into over this.

It starts with jolliness and camaraderie. Fun. As play progresses, however, and one player starts to trail, the atmosphere changes, slipping imperceptibly to frustration and unease. A suggestion is made to occasionally swap positions; declined, the air darkens still further. A cigarette "forgotten" on one corner inflicts passive-aggressive revenge. Rule disputes are arbitrated with snide remarks. Uncouth language is used. The decisive "hit the ping pong ball so hard it bounces into the ceiling" technique is employed. Decades of sublimated hatred boil to the surface.

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Source [Next Big Thing via SlipperyBrick and Dvice] From: